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  1. 你好大神想请教一个问题我的Ios 11(已越狱)安装了shadowsocks在里面添加了一个节点,Can be used normally、测Ping但是使用几次飞行模式后代理就不通了代理是没有问题的我的其他设备都正常(同一WIFI)使用蜂窝网wifi手动配置代理都不通除非重启设备这样的话要重新越狱觉得很麻烦我想问一下有可能是什么原因造成的?期待回复

  2. Brother,我现在在使用shadowrocket和surge但是规则好像不互通不知道有没有什么简便的方法转换或者能告知一下这两个软件规则的编写方法吗?想学习一下另外能给下surge老版本的安装包吗现在商城里只能搜到surge4了心塞。。

    1. 我只有macOS版的Surge Mac,但现在都是在用clash……🌚
      旧版安装包我是没的clash语法我也不懂现在我也就弄弄小火箭(iOS 我都是用这个)很抱歉啦什么忙也帮不上


    1. 你不说我还没发现这……这这绝对是bug啊在页面上滑动的时候都会不小心点进超链接里……-。-

      希望后续的更新能够修复这个错误吧如果真的是 feature……那就很尴尬了

  3. 今天遇到了个奇怪的现象微软双拼标准版ing在分号键上但按分号键直接输出了第二个候选词如bing是b; 在输入时直接输出了“吧”“吧”为b的第二个候选词

  4. Hello there,请问用duckduckgo这种浏览器的话可以防止dns泄露吗?

  5. Hello, 參考「OS X 開啟 RamDisk 來為 Safari 和 Xcode 加速」照著做可以產生ramdisk及瀏覽器用的快取資料夾, 之後刪除了硬盤中的快取資料夾, But after the actual opening browser, But it is simultaneously written to the hard disk and Ramdisk same data, Hard disk equal to or written to be used as cache, Why not just have information ramdisk fishes?

    1. Safari 那个目录实际上是一个链接你看到两个地址都有同样的文件实际上你是从两个地方访问了同一个位置这个位置位于内存盘上

  6. ios端落格五笔能增加对09五笔支持的功能不

  7. Okami,请教一下PAC的问题
    In General,我们把GFW黑名单的网站写入PAC


  8. 你好 我按照您的教程OpenWRT实现SS代理后 出现了只能访问被墙掉的网站而没被墙掉的外国网站却无法访问的情况 把SS功能关闭后也是任然不能访问外国网站

  9. 作为一个十年的双拼用户看到落格很高兴


    1. Simply put,你对这个规则的理解是正确的不过很遗憾落格输入法的Android版本还在开发中由我的朋友开发并且将来安卓版不会上架任何软件超市它是开源的免费的

  10. Hello, 我一直用的微软双拼方案但刚用了落格输入法发现ing这个韵母居然是在y上我之前用的一直是在;(分号)上的啊

  11. 什么时候走安卓版??就因为可以挂自己码表的百度输入法用回安卓几年来用习惯了现在反而ios系统因为落格输入法更好用了希望落格出安卓版windows版


  12. Hello,我已经把您的有关于swift4.0的那些文章 全部看完了在语言特性那栏 里面 有几个标题下的文章 没有更新的 请问您几时还会继续更新的 期待 。Thanks

    1. 后边的翻译就比较复杂了由于需要的人不是很多我不太打算翻译它们了——主要是这段时间我也比较忙了如果你是学习Swift读目前所有已经翻译的内容就足够了那些语言特性之类的都是给进阶用户来看的或者换句话说那些是给开发编程语言的是看的不是给用编程语言开发app的人看的 :)

  13. 请问博主使用的是WORDPRESS吗?我准备自建一个个人博客/网站已经有自己的vps看了你的我是谁的介绍很有意思


    1. wordpress 是一套很给力的个人博客系统它有完整的“主题”机制所以你要做的就是安装 wordpress 到你的vps然后给它寻找(购买)漂亮的主题安装即可wp后台也自带了主题管理页面在里边也能方便的搜索和一键下载主题

  14. 这个输入法可不可以用自己创建的双拼方案?我自己建了一份但打开还是原来的键位方案好像没用啊!

  15. 你好!请问你的工作重心是放在哪块?比如自由撰写人程序开发或者网络安全方面?我看了你一篇有关社会工程学方面的文章文中对《欺骗的艺术》和《黑客社会工程系档案》这两本书有提及我觉得你应该对这方面算是有兴趣但应该不是从事渗透方面的工作是吗?

    1. Ok,目前有两个人遇到这个你是第二个还是第三个原因不明好像是重置词库还是重新导入码表就好了的

  16. 求支持搜狗方案iOS 上落格不如原生流畅导致体验不一直很别扭啊

    另外发现在 Mac 上的 iMessage 里面落格输入法无法呼出不知道是什么原因评论区不知道如何贴图?

    1. ???这里是落格博客的评论区不是落格输入法论坛啊???

  17. 落格五笔输入法有一个bug就是在微信红包转账输入金额的时候跳出来的九宫格数字键盘会超过底端显示不完整希望能够修复这个bug联系我邮箱我发截图给你们看

  18. 站长看了你的openwrt shadowsocks 教程我也尝试将我的 tp link mr 12U V1 刷了最新的官方的openwrt, 但是刷SS 时就怎么也刷不进去SS 是2.4.8 spec 版但是可以刷Luci shadowsocks 图形界面麻烦能指点一下吗?谢谢

  19. 微软双拼方案中, ing 映射到 ; 按键, Android 端Google Pinyin 的解决方案是按下声母之后, 大小写切换键会自动变成 ; 按键, 比较方便, 不知道落格输入法技术上能否实现? if it is possible, 是否有计划做出这样的功能呢?

  20. Hello there,我买了一个iphone的落格经过一周渐渐习惯想把mac上也用上所以百度了很久下载后发现没有小浪布局的并且不知道哪里处理且提示我7天试用期还要另外购买吗?真心想使用

  21. 今天购买了ipad上的两个落格输入法但是不会使用现在又下载了一个
    1 s 丨 个 中 丰 书 旧 北 由 甲 申 师 串 非 临 畅 丵 丫 丩 丱
    2 R0uter Input Tool,只能输出一个字
    3 Mac的拼音输入法,Definition:bco 可以输出日 月 星 云 春 夏 秋 冬 田 石 山 草 果 木 花 鸟 虫 鱼
    4 R0uter Input Tool,只能输出一个字:day。but,可以看见日 月 星 云 春 夏 秋 冬 田 石 山 草 果 木 花 鸟 虫 鱼
    5 才在Mac上使用就显示出才能够使用一个星期
    Thank you!

      1. 为什么苹果笔记本拼音输入法可以?
        enter:ss显示丨 个 中 丰 书 旧 北 由 甲 申 师 串 非 临 畅 丵 丫 丩 丱

    1. as far as I can tell,还真不具备这样的功能我对符号这方面理解不足落格输入法仅能输入自带的那些符号如果你需要输入其他特殊符号那么只能用点划或者用户编码自定

  22. 你好~~你的部落格真的寫的太好了….我是一個UI設計師現在自學SWIFT CODE 希望有一天可以自己設計自己做出我的APP….

    目前一直搞不懂Stack view一直用但是我的label還是一直亂飛大小也調整的不是我要的感覺~~><~~~


  23. 提个建议网站首页没有明显的下载按钮让人好找买了iOS版本的之前的没接触过双拼现在还想要个Mac的学生码

  24. 1:已经入手Ios版本以下内容我是有自然码输入的(IOS为了用app我放弃了2 年的小鹤双拼转自然码一边查码有边输入)
    2:作者我也在学编程我看你的博客分栏语言是swif,java,和C语言我现在学的是java以后方便可以和你探讨下语言技术啊。3我的学习语言目标是java python go

    1. Haha,语言只是工具我会的语言也不少………………Linux版本要在比较长远的未来开发毕竟是免费的东西我如果现在就全力开发Linux版本下个月就得去喝西北风了感谢你的支持呢~开发上有任何问题随时可以来交流呀!

  25. Greatly,我在看你的关于openwrt的刷机及安装插件的文章

      1. 我刚下下来还在7天试用中。。。and,我想问搜狗双拼需要用到(ing)键,but,它貌似跟落格的什么东西冲突了请问如何设置?

      2. Hello there,我是一个大陆音乐学生全家人对翻墙很以来刚刚搜索到你写的做VPN的文章奈何实在看不懂也无法实践可以请您远程跟我讲解如何做一个VPN吗带薪的Orz请联络我的Mail

        1. 这个吧……我建议你还是看我博客右下角的有情推广在里边找一个ss的服务购买使用不要自己搭建vpn现在没有能用的了全部都是秒断

  26. 尊敬的落格输入法开发者您好我们是一群视障者盲人”user,也许您在前段时间和我们这个群体的其他用户接触过因为iOS下的落格输入法是视障者用户唯一一款可以使用的双拼输入法

    1. Yes,落格输入法 macOS 现在还是有这个问题的对于 VoiceOver 的支持是有计划的但目前主要还在完善更多功能这些东西有个先后的顺序问题希望您能够理解毕竟开发是一个过程问题哈但我想让您知道的是 VoiceOver 的兼容和支持是在计划中的这个一定会有

    1. According to its author asks,Pocketed input method can not use a crane Larry,If you have not accidentally buy,By purchasing the full amount the customer service channel platform, please refund。

  27. 哈啰
    我是 Mac 版用户反映两个小问题
    1.用快捷键时按到 shift 键误触发落格中英切换

  28. 我用五笔的之前一直使用百度偶然看到落格最接进原生输入法界面就付费下载了缺点每次键盘跳出来的时候都会闪一下在实险室中“在输入框内显示Buffer这个很惊艳但是时不时的就失效了还有就是通录入导入是全部拼音的完全不是五笔

    1. 我无法智能生成五笔的编码所以就是拼音了关于键盘闪的问题,Please moveHereView。inlinebuffer功能是我自己魔改实现在浏览器的web页面里的输入框可能不那么好用这也是它在实验室里的原因)苹果本身并没有给这个权限的

      1. 名字自动五笔的编码不能用五笔词组的方式生成吗?两个字是每个字的前两码三个字是是前两个字的第一码和第三个字的前两码三个以上是是前三个字的第一码和最后一个字的第一码五笔的词组就是这个规则可以弄成这样不?

          1. 字库不存在 这个没办法解决了即使是拼音也有这个问题吧比如拼音库里也没这个字那也无法为这个词造个码
            狗蛋 狗qtqk 蛋nhju各取前两码qtnh 就是这个词了
            狗蛋儿 儿qtn 取前两个字的前一码 q+n和最后一个字的前两码+qt成 qnqt
            狗儿蛋子 子bb 取每个字的第一码就是qqnb



          2. 你要不提我还真不知道有这个版本的五笔五笔学习曲线太陡发布多个版本改动较大反而不利于五笔的普及不知道五笔作者怎么想的

          3. 每个人心里都有一款自己的输入法于是……就有了落格输入法哈哈哈哈。In short,我其实是比较能体会和理解的啦~

  29. Hello,Chick double user,刚刚购买了IOS落格输入法发现内置无小鹤方案且对数表中搜索不到其他用户上传的小鹤方案请问若想使用小鹤方案是否只能通过添加自定义方案来部署?

  30. Greatly,My MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015),System Version 10.12.4 (16E195),If you do not shut down after work, wifi,Direct capped,The next morning to go to work,Electricity will fall about 10%,Turn off wifi sleep power consumption to normal,This has been a long time,View Console,I found a few minutes it will be weakup,It seems to come from the tcp,Earlier with 13-inch macbook pro when such a situation not found,Can not find reasons,In addition to reinstall the system,What else can I do to help me find the power consumption of the reasons?

  31. Hello there,I do not openwrt to opkg update,Op network is repeatedly tested not make things right can not be directly downloaded,Just to see your technical posts, Where does it happen that I ifconfig eth1 (”Van”),I have not been resolved under the Baidu,OP also changed LAN port address setting,We are hoping to get help,Is the reply to me via email?

  32. Pocketed heroes,Again ask a question,Wordpress is underlined how the default page or display the article removed,And so move the mouse to hyperlink again when the underlined link text and replace colors,I ask how to achieve this function it,Online shining answer is none, said change does not work,Thank you, heroes;There is a problem is how to call the latest list of articles in the article or page,As specified line displays the most recent articles 3-5 of recent articles and controls the display of words it,thank you very much!

    1. a:link, a:visited { color: #3C3F36;  }
      I'm sorry,I did not find how to modify the link style,I saw that they did not use the theme of his source in text-decoration(In itself is already noneA)
      But across the link can not be controlled color ......,Very strange,The only way to enter into force is the link color,Color can be controlled via the link above that statement,But the mouse across the color or the default,I am sorry I will so Doha。

  33. I'm from Taiwan Larry few users。Finally get rid of the original holding with Baidu Sogou hope to buy。Try a little,In addition to traditional issues,This input method I really love the,Many features are what I always wanted。Unfortunately,I really can not tolerate traditional output problem,So I probably will not use the short period of time。(See question traditional output,Feel like being parted feeling QQ) But anyway I can feel your passion developed,I hope you will continue to fuel,Let the input method is getting better :3!

    1. Traditional conversion is based on the word of,So many words may be incorrect after all XD input method is actually a simplified backend database,Because I can not write ...... Traditional recognize
      Then I will try to find a way to change this situation ...... (although it has not a clue) short,Thank you for your support of my friends!

  34. Hello there,I want to try several input methods Shuangpin。But the mac good support for third-party input method,On ios relatively pit。Third-party input method (Baidu、Sogou) often unresponsive,Or lock screen can not be loaded out,Resulting in poor user experience,I had to go back to the native input method,Thus it can not sustain the full platform Larry。

    I do not know off the grid input in these areas if there is advantage? I think you usually also on ios with their own input methods Larry,You feel how the experience in these areas? Can you tell us twelve?

    1. First of all,Lock screen interface,Third-party input methods are not available:)

      Before I write off the grid input method,I have been using search dogs,To tell the truth I think it useful XD,In iOS platform third-party input method for six months,Apple I input this number can be considered to have a framework to understand,It can be said,Third-party input method Caton is inevitable。- Optimization of Apple itself it is not enough。(IOS10 start optimizing the intensity was quite obvious。)

      My input method may say you do not have these advantages,It also outgoing than Sogou card (will obviously jump),Because I used the automatic layout result (you see,Promote their own technology,However, performance is not the line。)

      I used Larry favorite part is the secondary code,It can allow rapid screening I want vocabulary,I mentioned this several times in the article,But unfortunately almost all of the input method does not support this feature,For example, like Baidu Sogou。mac comes with good use,But unfortunately does not support。I hand on heart mac,Occasionally comes,It should be said and back。 ios I 6s,Chinese input method to use off the grid,Do not use the primary key table,To use Thesaurus and auxiliary code,Properly properly!
      English comes with the system is not perfect。

      of course,Many users feel that no error correction and weird keyboard layout is a great pity,I do not think so only qwerty haha。

      I think,If you do not use barcode,No code table without the auxiliary code,Then the use of off grid input significance is not great,Because pure words with Larry,Sogou better use,Exact sentence input method than I did more! (After all, there are one hundred million people listening level is not?) Oh,There cloud thesaurus haha。

  35. Easy to leave a micro-channel or qq it
    I IME developers want to write a demo reference to your article on their own but still mac running up under the guidance can help me thank WeChat nullin

  36. Excuse me again,Questions to ask a modified theme,2017Chinese theme spacing is small,Difficult to see more than one word,I would like to ask how to change,There is a relatively small width of the page,I would like to emphasize a little wide,You can ask how setting,I have not found a place to toss a long time to change,Thank you!

    1. In the custom theme,Select "Additional CSS",Enter in the inside
      .wrap { Max-width: 1500px; padding-left: 3in; padding-right: 3in;}
      one of them Max-width: 1500px;It is the total width,You see the mood change :)
      Also posted the code below into,Specific width can be controlled with the text sidebar,In accordance with the percentage of the total width,You try to change the,They are of immediate effect,Note that the sum is greater than 90% Do not like it or does not look good。
      .has-sidebar:not(.error404) #primary { float: left; width: 62%;} .has-sidebar #secondary { float: right; padding-top: 0; width: 30%;}

      As for line spacing,Paste the following code:
      @media screen and (min-width: 48in) { /* Typography */ body, button, input, select, textarea { font-size: 16px; font-size: 1rem; line-height: 2.5;}one of them line-height: 2.5;Line spacing is,The default is 1.5

    2. Ok,Tested,Percentage specific about this column widths do not change the,Only change to the total width and line spacing,Otherwise, poor effect on your phone's browser,Specifically, you can also change your own good phone open blog try Ha。

  37. Will a small problem,wordpress theme updated to 2017,Proudly powered by WordPress bottom amend it where,I had to change in the foot,But change does not work now,Because the programming more vegetables,Trouble under detailed answers,Thank you! As Guizhan Change:
    R0uter's Blog | 2011-2016 © CopyRight | Proudly powered by WordPress

    1. Footer file by the code phrase get_template_part( 'template-parts/footer/site', 'info' );Understood,File located on the footer declarations theme directory template-parts/footer/siteDirectory,There is a site-info.php file。

    2. Also under the trouble to ask,When using two columns arranged like,There will be a lot left a blank under the title bar,Where can modify to increase the fill,Or when using a column,Page width restrictions,Can increase (for page,Non-Article),Thank you

      1. This change css in style.css file,In short,You can modify this:
        In the custom interface in this topic,Options "Additional CSS" at the bottom of,Into it,In the input box lowermost separate line below to
        .blog:not(.has-sidebar) #primary article, .archive:not(.page-one-column):not(.has-sidebar) #primary article, .search:not(.has-sidebar) #primary article, .error404:not(.has-sidebar) #primary .page-content, .error404.has-sidebar #primary .page-content, #primary .entry-content, #comments { float: right; width: 78%;}
        The same time,Inside width: 78%;What you want the width,Own width to be adjusted to favorite。

  38. Hello there,Heroes,I have a problem with the network would like to ask,I have a linksys WRT1900acs home routers,I want shadowsocks installed on the router,But I found the information on the Internet is that we have to download the software and then charge shadowsocks using someone else (the company) to provide traffic per month on foreign websites,Not sure I understand the right,I am a computer idiot,I would like to upload their own router, and use of shadowsocks,I already have an account of vpn,Can I change how to get it? Seeking guidance,Will you be able to add qq whisper it?

      1. Hello there,I want to say is shawdowsocks,I would like to ask how can we ss mounted on wrt router,I do not jabber,Can I have your gmail mailbox?

      1. This I do not know,I did this to a cow x equipment,And secondly, it is not clear there is no user feedback。You can submit a consider Quguan network Niece then try to download na

  39. Will pocketed input method support iOS10 it?
    AppStore purchased,Download times,Progress Shows Almost done,After a while may be prompted to download temporarily unavailable。iPhone7,iOS10.1.1

    1. Pocketed input method support iOS 8 Later,In iOS 10 We have the best experience。Ok,Do not reuse the best 8。

      Today, I have encountered this problem,Apple may be the problem itself cdn,Try another network or a moment longer to download。Try replacing dns to re-download。
      Not to cancel the download and then to the "buy" in the manual download。

      Pocketed input method is a universal app,iPhone iPad iPod can be used。

    1. It is not to say that the key guide dashed able to achieve this function? And pocketed the input method mac platform on when to have it

      And your work is really great!

      1. Language itself is the problem because the swift,Currently unavailable swift language input method for Mac pocketed,Trust me,I am more impatient than you。Etc. After stabilizing for iOS,I would consider using oc language to write the mac version (if swift or does not work)

    1. Write multiple configurations,Timing ping server,The fast response of the configuration renamed ss loaded configuration name ...... op openwrt you mean it?

      Cross compiler what I'm not too skilled,?

        1. Uh,IME only pocketed a telegram group,And it was blocked domestic。If you want to add ...... you can consider what flyPY official group,I am also of the group。182883808 - Kazakhstan into the group need a dollar:)

  40. Git your Aliyun-DDNS-client application when this stuff in the following error,Bloggers time, then help look yo, My mailbox

    ubuntu @ ubuntu:/opt/aliyun-ddns-client$ python
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “”, line 21, in
    from helper import DDNSHelper
    File “/opt/aliyun-ddns-client/”, line 20, in
    from utils import DDNSUtils
    File “/opt/aliyun-ddns-client/”, line 20, in
    import requests
    ImportError: No module named requests


          1. [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (timthumb.php, line 0) For example, this。

  41. Ask questions,My blog site establishment for a long time,How has no traffic,On several search engines have taken the initiative to submit a site search application,Is there any way you can direct traffic it? Thank you

    1. This is no way (if legal),First my site included more because it is more content written inside,Most followed the original content,Once again, this blog and stable operation for five years。Relatively few of your website content,So certainly included an amount less - because originally had a few pages。Secondly words,SEO is the,SEO stands for search engine optimization,Purpose is to allow search engines to better visit your site,So that they will be indexed more,Give your website a higher score,For example, pseudo-static (ending in .html) pages,Overall site cache (open faster),Using some SEO plugins (Yoast SEO) its one-stop service to help you complete pages of details,People watch,But the search engines will see,This will be more search engine-friendly。At last,Go to the major search engines registered owners,One is able to see the inclusion of the amount of your blog,Another is (potentially) increase the amount included。The most important thing is to original content,If you insist on a month to write a few relatively high-quality article,Then the search volume will go up quickly related。

    1. Friends do not chain your blog it? Friends of the chain to add a function to exchange links Ha ~
      Mine is the whole station pseudo-static,In fact or dynamic,But it appears to be a static。Also with pre-caching,So maybe you will feel browser is static:)

  42. Well…Top PGP message board that links are 404?CN PGP found by the search and NetPGP, net is your gmail mailbox,The cn is hotmail,Which should I use?mysql server just hung up,Most of the night was backstage brute force over 1000,Mulberry heart ah

  43. Hello there。I router brushing openwrt,After installing shadowsokcs,Can landing google。But you can not log in to other sites。I do not know how to configure this router。Moon everlasting openwrt fifty-one version。Can I ask you ah next。To be paid。If you like,I can add your micro believe it? My micro letter:(for safety,I'll give you hide。)

    1. Login google can not sign in to other sites gfwed,First you build the right ss,Second, you can log on google because google is a direct disconnection and other domain names pollution。You try to change your DNS See if you can open。The main strategy is to configure your ss,You look at is the default and you do not add the class is not used?

    2. I have added your micro letter also can not help you,I have been a long time that it did not make,The whole idea is that there ss DNS pollution policy configuration。

  44. First, I usually do not stay online real name,I want you to answer a question, Do you hate school? Especially school-style bureaucracy..

  45. Hi,
    I play PS4 because of network slowness languish。Therefore bought NETGEAR 3800 router,And brush Openwrt use Shadowsocks。It looks very smooth start,Can I quickly discovered three initials were Y、F、T foreign websites falters。Only later did the concept come into contact with contaminated DNS。Results from the Internet to your article -- 。but,I'm just an ordinary user,Can not understand how great God who said those using the command line to add plug-in。I do not know that you can teach me how to operate it? My goal is simple,Can the Y、F、T network on the line。

    Best Regards,

    1. You mean to say,You are ignorant of CLI commands, right?
      That assumes your shadowsocks built entirely right and to enter into force,I recommend your DNS encryption software:DNS Crypt
      This software was developed by opendns,I will give you its address github project,You can find the GUI (graphical user interface) version of the software in it,Including Windows osx Linux has
      The advantage is installed on your computer to avoid the contamination of a key,Without ladder can be more than Dropbox ~
      The disadvantage is likely to visit some of the domestic sites do not enjoy cdn accelerated - if you do not know what is cdn,Then ignore this sentence out of it:)

      1. Thank you for your reply。DNS Crypt provided me with a new idea。
        just,I also hope that the phone side、PS4 client browser Y、F、T network,Unfortunately, there is no corresponding DNS Crypt-platform client。Other,I Android、Windows and OS X platforms used on Shadowsocks software Use global proxy can not browse to Y、F、T network。
        My initial idea was to,Buy a router that supports Openwrt,It is possible to cross the wall once and for all,No need to install additional software on any platform。
        so,I wonder if the router can use the command line to make changes? I think this be the fundamental solution,请赐教 🙂

        Best Regards,

          1. It troublesome remote operation。。。Please, send mail to my QQ No.。。。I'll add you。。。I really appreciate ah

  46. On you've found something openwrt,Currently in younger transplant openwrt to tiny6410 development board,boot,kernel,rootfs have been burning well,Pc machine can be,Virtual Machine Communication,luci has been installed,www directory below index.html file,But luci not open,ssh can log all board,I would like to receive guidance,Thank you!
    us:tiny6410 development board is only a wired network port,I do not know whether the network interface configuration error
    root@DreamBox:/etc/config# cat network
    # Copyright (C) 2008

    config interface loopback
    option ifname lo
    option proto static
    option ipaddr
    option netmask

    config interface lan
    option type bridge
    eth0 option ifname
    option proto static
    option ipaddr
    option netmask
    root@DreamBox:/etc / config #

    1. You should look like this all the normal installation,Then you start the service yet? Use the following command to activate the HTTP server and then try?
      1./etc/init.d/uhttpd enable
      2./etc/init.d/uhttpd start
      (╮(╯▽╰)╭ fact that this study buddy abandoned pit,All bloggers have been slowly filled pit ......)
      Other,This blog is not the forum to die?

  47. Hello,Would you that MSA-2110A wireless AP,Specifically how thin the fat into the AP AP,I am a layman would not,I want to make this ap home wireless router to use,Or to change turn,Thank you

    1. Hello there,The first point is I suggest you make it a brick。On the one hand this thing you configure up some trouble;On the other hand the device itself with port isolation function,Moreover, this function can not be canceled - that is, all your wireless devices are accessed by the AP can not communicate with each other。So if you are home routers,Many features on the disappeared:Such as mobile mass map,For example, PC-TV interoperability,For example, AirDrop, etc., etc.,Everything you need LAN interworking function told you goodbye。I got this route is a coincidence,And playing to throw the box to eat gray,this thing,hard to use。Oh, right,It do not seem large bandwidth,,Power is a little bit high,This is not a big thing also radiation。

  48. Pocketed articles are well written。I find that like me like to use the default theme,Then add their own ideas to modify the function of the people ~ ~

    But I will not be so versatile a blog,A few days before opening。

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