Influence "" of domestic WP

Like many others,Gerber also found a drop-off

This link,Since this is a foreign address,It caused the most direct impact is directly slow down the loading speed of the page。And also because it is another domain,So we can not bring it up Cache。

Then,This is exactly what things?

See the end of the file appears to be the contents of a plug-in to load。Let's look at the domain name,zemanta,Plugin list to find this easy plugin:WordPress Related Posts

This is aWordPressRelated Posts Plugin on one of the best,At present, it has not been such a similar,Doing very well。so,Many people online solutions are reluctantly replaced,Replaced some of the domestic variety of plug-ins,Routing beginning think so,So for hunting ......Then despair seemingly fruitless searching have found that quit line?

Well, I changed back,And initially thought,It can also accept a few seconds slow,After all, the impact is not great,But these days exacerbate the problem,seeminglyzemanta.comThe domain namesInto the listrisks of,If so,Like Google's open-source font as the site you have to be in trouble,So I think,sinceWordPress Related PostsIs not updated frequently,And although this in generalloader.jsFail to load,But it seems that its function has not be affected - or else ......Delete the link?

But I ultimately did not choose to do so。First of all the js files can be accessed,So I downloaded it,Then put the plug-own local js directory (this time we find that they are the same directory structure "static/js/loader.js”)

By verification,I found a write-linked files,It is locatedWordPress Related PostsRoot of the plugin directory underconfig.phpfile,Open this file,We easily found the two lines writtenhttps://wprp.zemanta.comCode,Then it commented,Into our own blog address,Remember hereWrite absolute path,Also wrotestatic.,It will automatically find loader.js file js directory under。

As shown below:

Remember do not delete,Useful in case

Remember do not delete,Useful in case

After such replacement (backup) off the original config.php file,Loader.js file has been found that the normal load,The plug-in is also no lack of functional,As for the profile then other links,Since it does not have to load other documents,So we do not control it for the time being。

At last,WordPress Related PostsIt will certainly be updated,So I can not guarantee that it will not overwrite update config.php file,If overwritten,So remember to modify the configuration files at the same time,Go to the website to download the latest version of the case is not compatible loader.js。


That's right,Considering that you may be difficult to access the document js,I pass it up for you to download,As of the date of publication of this article,This is the latest。loader.js

Original article written by LogStudio:R0uter's Blog » Influence "" of domestic WP

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The non-declaration,I have written articles are original,Reproduced, please indicate the link on this page and my name。


    1. Also possible。:) due to safety concerns,I did not use CDN;P.S.:If you're like me, like obsessive-compulsive disorder,Ah delete it directly links to ok,Plugin still running -

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