About wallproxy appears Error code 502 error solution

About bypass the heavenly,I've used a lot of ways,Including a door or something,Later coincidence found a GAE project

Many people say that there are problems,Probably because the spread of the Internet is relatively older version of it,反正我是当时第一时间升级了新版的╮(╯▽╰)╭

Later set up multiple app encountered this problem,When the question was not really seen,Always I thought it was the reason the site ...... because over time you can read hehe

Anyway,Khan now only to find

Search of,found itHereandHereTwo blog posts,They seem to be a reference to each other to solve Oh。

Originally I so get ready,Later in the set I saw a line of comment,It is written so:

After the visit certain Web sites set up multiple app may be a problem,Here you can specify which sites to use only one

Author seems to have discovered this problem? I do not know what this sentence which says the problem is,Anyway, I really spent more (5) APP Well,Domain of problems I tried to go inside to join,The results of refresh ...... problem solved ......

That code like this,It can be found in the settings。

# After the visit certain Web sites set up multiple app may be a problem,Here you can specify which sites use only one app
onlyone = ”
#onlyone = ‘example1.com|www.example2.com|www.www.example2.com’

Maybe I'm Cases,Anyway, try it,Their approach is simple better than the,If so ah ......,Comments must be timely to remind me,To prevent misleading everyone。

Original article written by LogStudio:R0uter's Blog » About wallproxy appears Error code 502 error solution

Reproduced Please keep the source and description link:https://www.logcg.com/archives/75.html

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The non-declaration,I have written articles are original,Reproduced, please indicate the link on this page and my name。


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