The recent start of a aruba AP,That has recently been very fire MSA1100,Although the configuration interface is the CLI,But as a Cisco engage in so many years of hard to force the siege lion mention of course,The advantage is that the AP can fat can thin,Under the so-called family have to say it was business。
There are three models MSA1100 system products,But unfortunately,I got this is the lowermost section 2110A,G to support even the highest standard,Some small regret。
MSA1K-2510A 500MW 802.1b/g
MSA1K-2510NA 500MW 802.1b/g/n
MSA1K-2110A 100MW 802.1b/g
Speaking of configuration,I would simply talk about how quickly this guy turn into fat AP for household use。To tell you the truth,Covering this thing far better than ordinary router little too good。
1、log in
To log on to this, there are many ways to ap,But the most direct USB console that I give up,A USB to the Mac drive console me enough of a headache,Although we have to get,But then back to USB? Oh, I do not say annoying,In short,My approach is to use telnet connection。
The unique network port connected to the AP on a small shelf router,The default is no IP network port of,Whether it is connected directly to the computer or small routing can be docked,Only the latter requires you to set up a simple DHCP server out,In short,Through a small shelf router DHCP services to the AP an IP,Then your computer access to the network segment,Then you can direct telnet ~
The default is the root account password is public
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en //进入使能模式 configure terminal //进入全局模式 interface dot11radio 0 //进入dot11radio 0端口 bss 0 //进入bss 0端口 ssid logcg-com //SSID命名为 logcg-com switch port access vlan 4095 //进入AP的默认VLAN 4095 authentication open key-management wpa2 //使用WPA2加密 encryption-mode-cipher tkip //选择TKIP加密模式 preauth //启用验证 wpa-type psk ascii logcg //密码为logcg write memory //保存 end //结束配置 reboot //重启使配置生效 |
Such,This stuff can be inserted in a port on the router's wireless function of the router substitute,Shoving the small wireless routing itself is tasteless wireless turn off the bar ~
Oh, right,I have to say,This thing comes with port isolation ...... so ...... all access this AP device,,,Oh and you can not communicate with each other! ! ! This feature can not be turned off。
Original article written by LogStudio:R0uter's Blog » ARUBA MSA1100 AP thin fat transfer configuration
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That is, a wireless printer can not use this ap,Wireless LAN is unable to print, right?
That's right.。
Hello, I was Aruba ap 325 No signal power,How to do,thank you
Hello,I have a AP103, no wireless signal connected to the POE power supply
Hello,I read your tutorial,Very detailed,But I have a 205,I do not know if you follow the method is converted into fat AP
I do not know of this,Because the hands of just such a piece of equipment but also for a long time no longer used。
Hello,recently,Landfill even have this thing,Ready to apply what,As you approach,Successful fat ap function。ssid,Encryption。
Just do not know whether the added functionality of virtual ssid,And it functions to hide ssid。Thank you。There is how to transmit power to debug it。Thank you。
Sorry Since this thing comes close port isolation can not I have it to lose it ............ transmit power I can not remember the tune, right? Other really do not have time to test:)
There is a aruba AP225, It seems IAP is fat,AP255 can be set to ask ourselves what fat?
I was 2110NA but I tried it through a small not take ah IP routing points
Note that mask the gateway must be manually set to go,It is how you say does not take a not take? ap on dhcp this worked out? Such as DHCP spoof like there。
QQ you how much I look to you
Replied your email。
Of this I have 2510NA,Technology can dance
How guidance ah,Also thin turn fat? It should theoretically be the same command ah。
I also have a 2510NA not engage in ah ~
No online tutorial? This series of commands should all be about the same ......