If your ISP assign u IPv6 only a prefix but no address

I recently switched Internet provider,The new provider offered me a /48 address prefix,This is different from my previous operators,They mostly use DHCP,Allocate one to you directly IPv6 the address of。Although the meaning of v6's existence is that the address is "infinite",But assigning one can save a lot of configuration trouble.。

This new setup caught me off guard。

the good news is,There are official tutorials。the bad news is,The official tutorial does not work。

This is a bit of a headache,After configuration, no network connection,Even if I manually add a static route to the router to the exit,It cannot be routed out either.。What I use here is Mikrotik router,The system isRouterOS v7

Follow the official tutorial,The first step is to add the dhcp client,This step is very simple,What is different from usual is,Cannot check address,If checked,Then dhcp is always in the search state,Because no one will reply to you with an ip address。Request address prefix only,Match successful。

Then manually give your network bridge and wan port an IP address,You just need to write ::/64 .,The router will automatically generate the corresponding address,Although the prefix lengths given by each operator are different,But usually at home we only need /64 .。When giving the address, check the "Declare Address" option.,In this way, your computer, mobile phone, etc. can search for the router and add the gateway.。

The last step is to turn on IPv6 in the IPv6 settings.,Accept forwarding and accept route announcement。

Finally restart the router,Finish!

So here’s the problem… After restarting, I still don’t have an IPv6 network.。

Since the error returned by ping6 is that there is no route,Then I'll add one to it,I first added a global static route to ether1,That is my wan mouth。Now there is a route,But the return is timeout,Obviously,no one can answer。of course,Sometimes it returns that the target is unreachable.。

After carefully comparing the configuration of the v6 version,I discovered that I was missing the firewall configuration,I found the default firewall configuration from the Internet and imported it.,But still not working。

After several days of searching online for answers,Finally solved the puzzle:

It turns out that it needs to be in ND,That is, IPv6 neighbors discovery here,Add ether1,Default is only bridge,So you can only discover all the devices on the intranet。After adding eth1 to device discovery,Restart the router,Sure enough, many upper-level routing addresses were quickly discovered in the neighbor list.,The router also successfully added a dynamic gateway,Test findings,There is internet。


Next, I summarize my configuration using the cli version as follows::


Original article written by LogStudio:R0uter's Blog » If your ISP assign u IPv6 only a prefix but no address

Reproduced Please keep the source and description link:https://www.logcg.com/archives/3864.html

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The non-declaration,I have written articles are original,Reproduced, please indicate the link on this page and my name。


  1. Hello blogger, I have a question,Because I enabled RA on the bypass gateway,This way the default gateway for all other devices is bypass,Do I still need to enable NDP in this case?

    1. According to my experience...it is still needed,Because your bypass must also be able to find the real route.。but,If static routing is done,You probably don’t need ND anymore.,Just open it on the bypass。

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