I wrote this beforeFrom the "crack field pole electronic classroom" experience in mindandHow easy it is to mention the right to limit the authority of the computer? These two articles,Inside it is mentioned for the cmd disable computer problems。
So I try to do with a bat batch mode command,But sometimes just in a hurry to run some command cmd,So for a limited computer cmd really annoying,thereupon,I found a way,With bat batch to simulate a cmd window execute the command。:)
It is used inside a batch of common commands,You can order one by one to copy and paste plain text in the document and then change the suffix .bat,Then double-click to run。
Premise is that you can perform computer does not prohibit batch ...... uh,Of course,Hopefully that will not be banned。
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@echo off title fu_k Cmd! ---by Router. color 0e cls choice /m "Try to unlock regedit.exe?" if errorlevel 2 goto start if errorlevel 1 goto try :try reg add “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System” /v DisableRegistryTools /t reg_dword /d 00000000 start %windir%\regedit.exe cls :start echo Please input the fu_king cmd line and press return key~:) set /p command= echo The fu_king cmd line well done : call %command% goto start |
Original article written by LogStudio:R0uter's Blog » Prohibit running cmd on computer solutions
Reproduced Please keep the source and description link:https://www.logcg.com/archives/206.html