RecentbtMore interested in,See many of my friends say,bt have an early 10 11 I said I do not know how。
Open a look at the official website,Sure enough, orBT5,But already the r3。
I heard that now has very good support BT5,Therefore, I downloaded a,But never before has been heard hands,this time,Could not resist。Because I'm usingMac OS X,Therefore, the use of virtual machineParallels DesktopNot much to say,But,Piggybacking is the only one really think it is worth to buy genuine:)
After you configure all virtual machines,64Bit back|track 5 r3It has also been under good,Then install。I heard that is still based on bt5ubuntuof,After installation should be visuallyUbuntu 10.06Hehe
Virtual machines running,I was readyinstallationof,But boot screen does not appear after running,remember(Written by memories,Prepare whole is not on the map,A large online thing)It is behind a string of codes,It appears aboot:Such words,Press ENTER so quietly under ......
really,Oh boot screen out,Linux distributions installed multiple versions of,This put me stumped,All options in,Where there is an option to install ah,The first turned out to be a boot entry into the live CD text interface! I obviously downloaded the Gnome version =。=
Uh,Ok,Long time no contact,I really was forgotten therestartxSuch commands。
Select the first boot entryEnter text interface,In fact, it will automatically enter the root user,This time inputstartxComeStart Gnome。
After starting on the desktop you can see the icon of the installed bt,In fact the only icon,Double-click the,Then follow the normal procedure to install Linux distribution to install it,The whole process is quite friendly,But this step the user is not set,Then I wonder what seemingly lacking。
Turns out,After installation is complete restart,There is a middle episode,Ask youRemove all media and press EnterConfirm ah,Do not forget,Otherwise, you do not give off,The first time I really to ignore,A look at the screen for a long time required by the ENTER ......
After the restart is still a familiar command line interface,This time I found,It did not let me set the user ah! Oh,Not in a hurry,We use the root account login now,passwordThe default is the root of the reverse,which istoor。
After landing,Continue startx,This entered into Gnome。At this point,back|track 5 r3 also completed the installation,This time remember to update the system:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Then,Chinese support is added。
The source added varies,I was thus completed:
First, use the following command to edit source
gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Add the following source
deb lucid main universe restricted multiverse
deb-src lucid main universe restricted multiverse
deb lucid-security universe main multiverse restricted
deb-src lucid-security universe main multiverse restricted
deb lucid-updates universe main multiverse restricted
deb lucid-proposed universe main multiverse restricted
deb-src lucid-proposed universe main multiverse restricted
deb lucid-backports universe main multiverse restricted
deb-src lucid-backports universe main multiverse restricted
deb-src lucid-updates universe main multiverse restricted
Then use the following command to add Chinese support
apt-get install language-pack-gnome-zh language-pack-gnome-zh-base language-pack-zh language-pack-zh-base language-selector
After the installation is complete insystem-admin-language&text-text tabSetting up Chinese,Remember to restart the computer after you apply,startx what had to do it again。
In fact, language option card,You can choose to add or remove language,Find inside Simplified Chinese,Point into the box Gogo,Then apply,Thus Chinese input support will be installed automatically。
Also added is support for Firefox Chinese:
The first is networking,Firefox then open the following link (bt5r3 default Firefox 14.0.1 you the best person to confirm)
Once the plugin is installed,Restart your browser,Then enter in the address bar to open
Enter by the filter
Double-click the,Content to
After this restart your browser Firefox is the Chinese of the。
postscript:I follow the entire installation process to install the memories I had to write,Inevitable omissions,I downloaded the back|track 5 r3,64Place,gnome interface,If you download the kde,It may be part of the inside and I do not match,To install Virtual Machine Support,PD easy to install to other virtual machines,I do not speak good,What is the problem you can also leave a message asking me to try,I will reply as soon as possible。The same time,Also please correct me。
Original article written by LogStudio:R0uter's Blog » Install back|track 5 R3 and configuration interface simple tutorial
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