在寫落格輸入法 Mac 版的過程當中,我遇到了這麼一個問題,系統的候選條 API 年久失修,很多功能 API 存在但根本無效,比如:
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/*! @method @abstract Sets the "style" attributes for the candidates window. The keys for the attributes dictionary and the values are: NSFontAttributeName (value = NSFont) Setting the font attribute sets the font that is used to draw Candidates. It does not effect the selection keys which are always drawn in the same font. Note that to set the font size you should use this key/value pair. IMKCandidatesOpacityAttributeName (value = NSNumber with a float value between 0 and 1). Sets the opacity level to transparent (0.0) to completely opaque (1.0). The default opacity is 1.0. This constant is declared above. NSForegroundColorAttributeName (value = NSColor) Sets the text color used for the candidate text. By default it is black. NSBackgroundColorDocumentAttribute (value = NSColor). Set the background color that is drawn behind the candidate text. IMKCandidatesSendServerKeyEventFirst (value = NSNumber). NO (default) gives the candidate window first chance at key events. YES causes events to first be routed to the current IMKInputController. In that case, if the event is not handled, it will then be sent to the candidate window. */ open func setAttributes(_ attributes: [AnyHashable : Any]!) |