In the new installationWP Super Cacheafter that,Many people will go underground must refresh the page to see the plug-in if there are specific tags,This is also a good way to plug into force big proof,But most likely,In addition to the cache than you notice,You'll see another row:
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<!-- Dynamic page generated in 0.577 seconds. --> <!-- Page not cached by WP Super Cache. Check your settings page. Not caching requests by known users. (See Advanced Settings page) --> //这里我设置了不为登录用户缓存,所以会这样提示。 <!-- Super Cache dynamic page detected but $wp_super_cache_late_init not set. See the readme.txt for further details. --> //奇怪的提示,说延迟加载未设置。 |
Previously used WP Supe[……]