R0uter Input Tool

Pocketed input method blog articles

How pocketed input method macOS is how to handle ascii 0x01 compatibility issues -macOS input settings correct buffer

As early as last year,Off the grid user input methods have reported pocketed Chinese input method macOS can not type in normal mode MarkDown proper way cloud notes,After testing proved true,Embodied in the text when hit,buffer refresh will be strange delete a character before the cursor - on,no more, no less,To delete a。

Fiddle for a long time failed,Finally, I did not move all the contents out of print,Find[……]

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Pocketed input method is how to share anti-piracy accounts on iOS

For iOS developers,The face of app piracy,The biggest problem is not a technical break,Instead, more and more sharing of pirated Apple ID,Some people might say that piracy is equivalent to a "trial" of the,Like people will naturally go into positive ...... but in fact,Because of penny share account of piracy,Led to numerous independent developers and ultimately to the vote resume。

In short,last year,Surge author[……]

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macOS keyboard event intercepted three ways

Under normal circumstances,You do not need to know the contents。

In rare cases,Your app might need to get the user presses the button information,such asThe ones released Develop a Input Method。Only then can you provide candidates to the user。

How to create an input method under macOS,I'm hereSwift uses InputMethodKit to write an input methodThis article has detailed instructions,Here skip[……]

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? Double,Non-stop fight。→ 落 格 输入 法 macOS 版,Official last!?

Excellent input method,We came another excellent platform!

Although it lacks many features,But I can not wait to share these good things to you,He pocketed finally embarked on the input method macOS,over the years,Enter Larry is a nightmare in macOS,Now,This nightmare can end up。

In addition to incomplete abandoned pit I do not know when it can not be used palms input method for Mac、Basically non-professionals[……]

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Analyzing a multi-monitor window position macOS

When developing pocketed input method,I met such a thing,That is, as a candidate bar window will go beyond the screen when the edge of the screen! and so,In the display window when I do extra check the coordinates:

In short,That is, if you count the coordinates of their width exceeds the width of the screen,Norway put it back。


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How pocketed the key input is to achieve sound

All to known,Input method does not need to get off the grid. "Full access rights”,So according to Apple's rights,Naturally, you can not play the key tone。

but,Recent pocketed updated input method added this feature - you can even join in later versionsKey shockIt's。However, I stillNo needGet "full access"。

Then,How I do it?

iOS in the sound and vibration

In fact, the same thing[……]

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Pocketed input method is how to achieve app settings without the need for full access?

All to known,On iOS since 8.0 Start version,Keyboard can be developed for iOS third-party input method,These keyboards can be sold on the AppStore,but,But also has a very strict access rules。

This,Apple's third-party keyboard design of the two permissions,A minimum of,Permissions Only the most basic functions of the keyboard、Another relatively more,Get the keyboard "Finish[……]

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Write off the grid a little life experience of the past six months input obtained

He says you may not believe,Pocketed input method originally I practiced hand of a project,It's calledBoats

But in the hands to write it before,In fact, I had complained many times,They say they want to write a useful input method,Because I used Larry,The existing input method,Larry did not pay attention to how this group,The same time,Speaking on spelling,Various advertising pop red dot also put their own utility functions ah ah sentence input to these advantages buried。


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