Programming Development

Swift Lane Stack implementation

Today in practice design patterns when there is no sudden discovery Swift stack - Stack class is。Since I was shining Java version of the design patterns to learn,So I had no choice but to implement a look at the。

But speaking,In Apple's official manual, "generic" chapter really have a stack of chestnuts,It is the structure implemented。This is actually in line with the Swift's style - after all,, S[……]

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Xcode one of those plug-ins

Update:In the blink of an eye 5 Years passed,This article is also invalid... Now Xcode no longer allows random installation of plugins,The only one recommended at the moment Swift Format for Xcode,Everybody,mutual encouragement。

Development on OSX,Then you necessarily involves dealing with this famous IDE。after all,We use IDE is to improve productivity[……]

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A programming algorithms Huawei interview questions

Friend sent today a very special topic:

Topics:There are two array a,b,Size n,Any of the values of the array elements,Disorder;
Requirements:Through the exchange of a,Elements in the b,Elements of array a and b elements in the array, and the difference between the minimum。

I feel familiar at first glance the problem ... ... And domestic c exams almost,But a closer look seems to be a bit more difficult,Do not look like that has a clue what the problem。Ok,[……]

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iOS Concurrency:Getting NSOperation and Dispatch Queues

Recommended by a friend,Encountered such a good article describes concurrent,I translated it for everyone to read。I am not a professional translator,Limited level。Error is inevitable,If readers find the text is wrong,Welcome messages treatise!
Article translated appcoda iOS Concurrency: Getting Started with NSOperation a[……]

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Chapter VI with the stack view(Stack Views)UI design


iOS9 brings many new features to make our life easier development,Stack Views profile is a good example. Before you give a brief introduction of the auto layout. Let us work together in this example is simple, but,With your app UI becomes more complex,You will find all the iOS devices to provide the perfect interface constraints become more difficult. This is Apple's most[……]

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How to learn programming language Swift?

In retrospect,I am now off and on since May begin to learn language Swift are nearly six months,From the program have no feeling at all,To the present"Open practice",Experienced a lot of。Might say for a master who worked for many years,These are too shallow,The phrase "you needProject experience"You can kill me blood slot-1,But for most, like me, "small white",I think I walked half way can be complex[……]

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A random number in C #

During the development time,You will inevitably use a random number。And still more when,We need to generate a series of random numbers numeric string spare。Fortunately, however, a variety of programming language provides a simple and easy to use pseudo-random number generator for your use,For example, in the C # Random

but,C # is the default system clock Random seed - this method is simple and crude,Unfortunately, the event generated a lot over a short time[……]

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