Programming Development

Swift Python Json data exchange signature

It has been a very popular self-signed certificate for HTTPS decryption,Then there are a lot of people realize crack of App by modifying Apple's internal purchase receipt。In fact Verified Purchase should be connected to the server App,Server to communicate with Apple's servers,The results are then sent to the App - but a lot of developers (including individual developers and corporate developers) do not bother to go to a special server maintenance,Therefore, the direct use of App and Apple[……]

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Swift Debug EXC_BAD_ACCESS in AppDelegate


Many people will encounter in the development EXC_BAD_ACCESS ,I'm sorry,This time, Xcode does not give any detailed solutions。

usually,This is due to a memory error caused。In simple terms it is that you create an object A,But in the later time of the visit,A memory in this area have been moved to do the system he used,For example, put the object B here - your[……]

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Proper use PIP to install Python package to avoid TypeError: ‘module’ object is not callable

Before,I have been so install and use pip on the macOS:

later,This method is ineffective,Become such:

Finally one day,I need to update it prompted pip,then:

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Changjei generation and accelerated code table from cns11643 Chinese official standard full flash

Has long been,I'm rightCJandExpressThis is useful advice ...... circulated on the Internet version of the code table many fellow sufferers,But the name called "CJ",By contrast and Wubi,Anyhow, also points a stroke 86 and 98,Then there is little new in the new century, and so on,But no Changjei,No matter what version of the CJ,Called "CJ"。

This is very embarrassing,Changjei code table is different for each person with,But not the same where,He did not know。


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How pocketed input method is a process of PUSH messages

Do the soft keyboard on a mobile device,So how to handle user clicks position,It is the first problem you encounter,in this problem,I have come a long way。

I touch a logical development since input method pocketed roughly classified into three stages,Now were Laijiangjiang design ideas,I hope this can help you。

The first generation of touch engine

Obviously,For a beginner,There's nothing better use of the control system,Full-featured[……]

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Let iOS macOS Chinese font achieve visual vertical centering

In the development off the grid when the input method macOS,I encountered a problem of a more wonderful,This problem has plagued me now - the time when some places need to display a row of vertically centered text,How to make these characters real "center"?


At first glance this seems to make much sense,Well ...... like vertical center,On macOS [crayon-67d3e35a1a1662[……]

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Swift in the array to re-program

When developed using Swift input pocketed,I met a very interesting question -Deduplication

All to known,Candidate input method in the calculation will always be out there may be a duplicate options (such as code table and have a word in the lexicon,They may be different coding,But the word is the same and the like),This time you need to re,But while keeping the same order of candidates。

Others solutions

If you go online to find,Then[……]

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