

Yum install open source package management tool developers death due to accident

For all systems administrator,Today the news is quite regrettable。Open source command line package management tool developer of yum Seth Vidal when riding a bicycle was hit by a car and killed,Age of 36。Currently the driver still escape。

Yum(Full name Yellow dog Updater, Modified) Is anFedoraandRedHatas well asSUSEThis[……]

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Linux Redhat Xen Virtualization study notes

This is before the time of learning 5.8xen virtualizationThe study notes

Although always feltxenBut fast become a zombieVirtualizationThis aspect is undeniable his powerful

especiallyredhat6CancelledxenxenGiving a feeling to be eliminated but canceled support for xen in my opinion it would be unwise

Or talkxenThe other pull much hurt the body

First, create a file,I'm straight[……]

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The method of manually generating yum repository Redhat6

In Redhat6 future systems will exist yum repositoryYum database manually generatedThis issue

And several previous versions of the database are automatically generated

May be mirrored with redhat6 about it .xml files and package files are not in a place that no detailed research to explore next time

First determine yum of these packages have been fitted

There areyum yum-upd[……]

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Ubuntu10.06 install ati graphics driver simple tutorial

A few days ago I download bt5r3,wroteInstall back|track 5 R3 and configuration interface simple tutorialSentence,bt5r3 is based on the ubuntu10.06,This version of ubuntu just not convenient to drive manager,so,If you want to be mounted directly on to the laptop bt5r3,Graphics drivers have become a problem。

I was solved:

First of allknow about you[……]

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Install back|track 5 R3 and configuration interface simple tutorial

RecentbtMore interested in,See many of my friends say,bt have an early 10 11 I said I do not know how。

Downloads – BackTrack Linux

Open a look at the official website,Sure enough, orBT5,But already the r3。

I heard that now has very good support BT5,Therefore, I downloaded a,But never before has been heard hands,this time,Could not resist。because[……]

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And turn a simple way to uninstall linux

Do not know how many new shoesUninstall linux,Often engage in corruptiongrub,Cause not enter normal windows。

Here's a very simple way,“The method of time-tested way,I have since uninstalled linux are using this method,Safety,Convenience,Shortcut。

First youMust notIn the win to linux deleted。This methoddebian and its derivative versionOn through,other[……]

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numlockx resolve ubuntu start small keyboard light does not shine

howOpen the keypadA?
After boot,KeypadThe default is not input numbers。。。

Each boot needsNum lock PressIt can be very troublesome ......。

Generally UB default keypad light is bright,However installedGnome3After not bright。There is also a lot of friends after the upgrade somehow not bright。

For too lazy to get (for example routing) Friends,Then,numlo[……]

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