

Rollover to the Ubuntu Server 16.04

We vps,In general, Ubuntu is still easy to use,On the one hand it is more friendly to novice,On the other hand are some common service configuration can be a key installation。Plus Niubi ufw,Really perfect。

but,Now not all vps service providers are able to provide the latest Ubuntu Server 16.04,what a pity。It has so many benefits of,For example, the library is a native php[……]

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Minecraft server set up in Ubuntu and mount Mod

Recently roommate Ubuntu On the run MC,I helped take a moment,However, due to his own packageTo turn over,It may not be a specific process running GM,But the overall environment configuration is quite common。

Prepare the environment

MC is running in the first java Environment,To make it run more smoothly,We still have to be installed on UbuntuOracleThe java environment:

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Use fail2ban Bind9 be used to prevent DNS amplification attacks


Ali cloud I built for personal use dnsmasq server,DNS is used to make pollution-free,The recent disclosure of the IP,Sure enough, it was attacked - is actually being used DNS amplification attacks。

Since dnsmasq itself is not designed to provide external DNS service,So it is for security profile is not a lot (no!),But it's very easy to configure Resolution Policy ([……]

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Build OpenConnect VPN server AnyConnect (ocserv)

This article had written the,But never had a chance to do the experiment too--estimation,Anyway, writing,I will come,Everyone if necessary in conjunction with a look at ... ...?note,Please refer to theLatest notes

To build on the server ocserv,Should first install dependency

Download ocserv

access ft[……]

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