The internet

Run a static website with AWS S3 Enable https

Website Speed ​​Test from

The instruction manual of drop-off input method is a static site compiled with Gitbook,Has been deployed on netlify before,It's a pity that his house is gradually being walled... I had to move this static station to the server of R0uter's Blog。Now I plan to migrate the whole,So after thinking,Simply throw this static site into the aws container alone.,I just recently used aws for work and study,I'm more familiar with it。[……]

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Avoid WordPress being used as a reflection amplification attack

Before I wrote an article,Use fail2ban Bind9 be used to prevent DNS amplification attacks,Never imagined,original Wordpress It can also be used for amplification attacks,The principle is its Pingback mechanism。

Pingback is a tool for notifying each other of a Wordpress website,For example, A blog refers to a B blog[……]

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When Mailgun no longer free,How do you placed your domain mail?

Before I wrote an article:《 Use Mailgun create your free domain mailMailgun There is a very interesting feature is the recipient routing,With this feature set,You can use any incoming mail forwarding to your mailbox which set a good,This eliminates the need for each domain name to set up a mail service,Only through Mailgun On the corresponding e-mail can be forwarded by e-mail needs - after all,[……]

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Use Mailgun create your free domain mail

This article now has expired,Because Mailgun no longer offer free credit,And the necessary functions used herein, "recipient routing" feature set for advanced users no longer offer free,I changed the site to achieve another domain mail,see:When Mailgun no longer free,How do you placed your domain mail?

Creating a website is easy,But there should own a domain name and e-mail address associated Domain Mail[……]

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Ubuntu ultra-fast server deployment wireguard

New out of a lot of people want to try Wireguard,Here VPN over the wall in the end it is appropriate for us to discuss not,Let's look at how fast service from a wireguard on vps。Many people have heard of this service particularly complex to configure,So discouraged,Actually quite simple。

The environment

Here I use the latest ubuntu 18.04.2 To configure,First you have to have a[……]

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independently developed iOS:Manage your redemption code

As iOS developer you,Promo codes must be aware of this thing,That is, we often say that the redemption code。(of course,As perhaps you iOS users also no stranger to this)

this time,We take a look,This seemingly endless redemption code,What are the restrictions in the end。


Apple background rendering valid redemption code has been a mystery,Although the official statement of 4 week,That is[……]

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DoT DoH addition DNSCrypt,You can also learn more about the DNS encryption scheme

2018On November 2nd update,One day after switching to DoT,All stubby built-in server running unusually slow,Until daily use is immune to give up ......。

2018On November 1st update,used 5 After days DoH,Since the server is currently offering this service only,I was here at this address operators blocked。

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Talk Shadowrocket and Quantumult

Since I replaced the United States District Apple ID,Originally purchased the Surge will not be used again - of course,Now Surge also updated the new version,to me,Spend millions to buy an advanced network debugging tools and then simply used over the wall,Think I felt very stupid。

Fortunately,macOS version of the Surge 2 Authorization is still,After all, this does not follow Apple ID,I can[……]

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