Month – September 2022

R0uter's Blog AWS on the cloud in mind

R0uter's Blog was first run on the virtual host,Can only be operated from the panel,no authority,Very awkward to use。In addition, anyway, I got the server to run over the wall proxy service,Then simply moved the blog to the VPS。So I started my vps tossing journey。In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed,I also ran on Vultr's VPS later. 4 year。of course,A lot has happened in between,I do[……]

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Package xxx has no installation candidate on Raspberry Pi

When the newly flashed Raspberry Pi image is enabled,Chances are you're getting weird apt errors:

of course,more than this,Installing any package would be Package xxx has no installation candidate


Check out your first [crayon-67b8c2b[……]

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Run a static website with AWS S3 Enable https

Website Speed ​​Test from

The instruction manual of drop-off input method is a static site compiled with Gitbook,Has been deployed on netlify before,It's a pity that his house is gradually being walled... I had to move this static station to the server of R0uter's Blog。Now I plan to migrate the whole,So after thinking,Simply throw this static site into the aws container alone.,I just recently used aws for work and study,I'm more familiar with it。[……]

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